Friday, January 14, 2011

2011 off and running

Last year was a great year for Ben and I. In June we go married and Aberdeen, SD. It was a great time and we were so happy to have our friends and family join us on that wonderful day. We had a perfect day and a lot of fun.

For Thanksgiving we got to go to Las Vagus for our honeymoon. It was a great time. We walked about 30 miles up and down the strip, went to a show, animal parks, and we got the watch the light show and water show. Ben did a great job picking a location for our honeymoon. It was a lot of fun, but I wish it was a little warmer when we were there. I was glad to come home to our dogs and back to South Dakota.

We are on covered in snow and it is getting colder, but it was a wonderful holiday season. We spent our first Christmas at home. Ben had to work and I had to coach so we didn't make it out to Belle Fourche for the holidays. So I made our first Christmas dinner and Christmas Eve dinner. It was great and Becky, Ben's Mom, was able to come and spend time with us. It was really nice to spend that time together. Sometimes we get so busy in life tha twe forget to spend time with the people that mean the most to us.

January has brought us a ton of snow. I am really glad that I have a wonderful husband that got a snowblower (last spring) and it was been wonderful. I have not had to use it yet but that is because Ben is so wonderful. We have had a lot of snow fall this year and it doesn't look like it is going to stop any time soon.

It was been a wonderful start to 2011 and I will keep you updated on everything that is going on in our lives.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

This Year

This year has really been crazy and I can't believe that we are in that last few days of school. It is always hard to see senior leave but I'm excited for the future for a lot of these students. I can't wait to see where they are at in four years. It is a sad but great time to spent with students because you are able to see them grow into wonderful people and move on to the next step in their lives. I feel really luck to be a part of that experience.

I also have had a crazy year personal. I'm getting married in one month and everything is coming together while other parts are falling a part. It feels like with every step forward I have one step back and I can't wait for this stressful part to be over. Don't get me wrong I love Ben and I can't wait to be married but he was right we should have just went to the court house. But on the bright side it is a reason to have all of my friends and family come together and able that is the only reason to have events like this. It is for the family and friends and that is one part that I'm excited for.

I hope that this new stage of my life brings joy and happiness. I know that it sound corny but I am at a turning point in my life and ready for the next stage.